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In this section you will find all required information about application's options and it usages.


trace-files folder” - the folder for storing trace-files, also used as storage for xtrc-files and in basic tools.

output folder” - the folder for storing generated reports (--output).

logs folder” - the trace-file logs are creating in this folder.

dumps folder” - in this folder will be created sdmp-files.


    1. In the current version of application, via command-line can be changed only the option “output folder”


include in all html-pages” - without checking this option, parameters for headers and image will be written only in the first file of report “Resource profile” or optimization reports. When this option is checked, then parameters for headers and image will included in the all generated files.

header 1” - user-defined html-text, added in report before image.

image” - path to the image file. On report generating, specified file, will be copied in the report folder (<report name>.files), and reference on it will placed in reports.

header 2” - user-defined html-text, added in report after image.

Below is an example of the filling of these options to display an logo with a label at the top-right of the report page:

Header 1

<table class=“ctable100b0“ cellspacing=“0“><tr><td class=“tdb0“ width=“80%“>&nbsp;<td class=“tdb0“ align=“center“>


Header 2

<br><a href=“www.lightprofiler.org“>LightProfiler</a></table>

Using logo
    1. Pic. 50 Using logo

After that will be created following html-code for page:

<table class=“ctable100b0“ cellspacing=“0“><tr><td class=“tdb0“ width=“80%“>&nbsp;<td class=“tdb0“ align=“center“>

<img src=“20111211-025347.Lp_optreport_2x.files\question.png“ alt=“logo“>

<br><a href=“www.lightprofiler.org“>LightProfiler</a></table>


language” - language, what used in application interface and reports (--lang). The current version of application support two languages: en – English, ru – Russian.

close app with last profiler” - when this option is checked then application will be closed when you close last profiler without an additional confirmation.

show icons in menu” - checking this options allow showing icons in the application menu.

custom Oracle client” - this is path to folder with the custom Oracle client. In the current version, the client is needed only for tool – LpDBMonitor.


max elements in block” - number of rows in the sections “Response time by SQL statements” and “Response time by SQL cursors”(--elements).

max datafiles in block” - number of rows in the sections “Datafiles usage” (--datafiles).

max snapshots for statement” - number of detailed snapshots for each SQL statement (--snapshots).

generate data histograms” - when this option is checked, then will be collected additional data about event's response time and will be created the section “Data histograms” (--gdh).

number of intervals for data histograms” - number of intervals (rows) to build runtime calls histograms (-- dint).

collect data for events graph” - when this option is checked, then will be collected data for event graphs (-- cdeg).

generate events graph for profile” - when option is checked, then will be created section “Events graph” for session resource profile (-- gegp).

generate events graph for cursors” - when option is checked, then will be created section “Events graph” for SQL statement's (or it cursors) resource profile (-- gegc).

number of intervals for events graph” - number of rows in the section “Events graph” (-- eint).


skip statements with greater “dep”” - statements with greater depth (dep > option value) will be skipped on generating of the section “SQL statements (overview)” (-- truncdep).

max statements” - value of this option define maximum number of SQL statements, included in the section “SQL statements (overview)” (--trunccrs).

bind-set samples for statement” - this option define size of the array, in which are storing samples of the bind-variable's sets for SQL statements and cursors (--truncset).

trunc “dump of memory” value” - when database are writing data into system tables, often used memory dumps, which has big printable size. This option allow use in report only first row of the memory dump (--truncdump).

hide “boring” statements” - when this option is checked, then will not generated resource profile for SQL statements, which are absent in sections of session's resource profile and doesn't contain error/warning (--significant).

statement group mode” - this option defines algorithm for generating SQL statements. With value 0 – in the SQL statement will be grouped cursors, having identical value of “hv” field; with value 1 – will be grouped cursors with identical body; with value 2 – will be grouped cursors with similar body (differs by literals) (--stmtgroupmode).

hide “sys” SQL statements in overview” - when this option is checked, then statements with zero owner (user SYS) will be excluded from section “SQL statements (overview)” (-- hss).


open generated profile” - when this option is checked, then after creation of the session's resource profile, it will be open in browser (-- open).

filename mask” - mode of naming filename for session's resource profile. In current version are used following modes: 0 - “<file>.Lp_YYYYMMDD-HHMISS”, 1- “YYYYMMDD-HHMISS.Lp-<file>”, where <file>-trace-file name, YYYYMMDD – current data, HHMISS – current time (--filenamemode).

encoding (in)” - this option defines encoding of the trace-file, for correct display of bind-variable's values and SQL statement bodies (--incoding).

encoding (out)” - this option defines encoding for generated reports (--outcoding).

convert “tim” to sec.” - when this option is checked, then the report's time value will be converted into seconds (--tim2sec).

only one session allowed in report” - the source trace-file may contains data belonging to different database sessions. When this option is checked, then parse process will be stopped when second session identifier will be found.


“Catcher” - mechanism for generating snapshots for SQL cursors during parse trace-files. The application generates snapshots only when found phrases PARSE ERROR or ERROR (error on parsing SQL, error on executing SQL/fetching data) in source trace-file, by default.

extended catcher (suspicious events, “ora-” in binds)” - when this option is checked, then will be used additional functional - searching of “ora-” phrases in the bind-variable's values and searching of suspicious events (break/reset events) (-- xcatcher).

extended catcher (user-defined)” - this option allows define any values for bind variables. When catcher will find these values in bind-variables - then snapshot will be created. To activate this mechanism via command-line, you need to add option — userxcatcher=1; and list of values with option --userxlist= … , where … - values, separated by “;”.


process time markers” - when this option is checked then application will generating pseudo-events “wait (others)”, not belonging to the Oracle database events. As data for these events, will used “time marker” - strings like “*** YYYY-MM-DD...”, was added by database's core, on some lags between call's executions. In some cases, this lags may show high OS overload and not to be included in the duration time of following database's calls. More detailed information you can found in our blog (-- ptim).

align tim (as nanosec./1024)” - additional correction for time values (-- ntim).

generate extended data (delta “in”/”bw”)” - usage of this option allows generate “delta” events – events for database calls correction, caused by calculation's errors or the OS core measurement's errors (-- ged).

group LOB events” - when this option is checked then LOB events will be grouped (-- lobgr).


use ZeroClipboard in reports” - in the current version of application was added opportunity to copy text from reports to the clipboard, using library zeroclipboard. Zeroclipboard – open project, which detailed description you can find on site: http://code.google.com/p/zeroclipboard. When this option is checked then all required files will be copied in the report folder, and will be added button “Assemble SQL statement” in the section “Bind-variables”.

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