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This section describes common problems and possible solutions.

OS Windows

This section describes the problems and errors that occur when using application with OS Windows.

The application does not start

When start-up application you get error:

Error on start-up
    1. Pic. 55 Error on start-up

, then common case — missed Microsoft Visual C libraries. Precompiled version of the LightProfiler created using the Python module - py2exe (0.6.9) and requires the libraries Microsoft Visual C runtime DLL to run. If you have installed the appropriate version of Python or Visual Studio, then those libraries already exist on your computer. To fix this error, you should download and install libraries from website http://www.microsoft.com.

Fragmentation of the menu icons

This error manifests itself as the fragmentation of images in the application's menu. You can disable icons in the application options or install a newer version of the interpreter with a newer version of tcl (tested on ActiveState Python c tcl http://www.activestate.com).

Fragmentation of menu icons
    1. Pic. 56 Fragmentation of menu icons

OS *nix

This section describes the problems and errors that occur when using application with OS *nix.

The application does not start

The common case — are missed required libraries and additional software. Check the requirement's list in the section Installation.

Incorrect handling of user response in dialogs

This error was discovered in module tkmessagebox.py on OS Ubuntu 9.10 (Python ver. 2.6.4)

In this case, tkinter, contains error that described in http://python.org/sf/1018509. This error lead to incorrect handling of user response in the standard dialogues. To fix this error you can apply patch, available on the website or you can edit the files manually.

You need locate file tkMessageBox.py, which implements calls for standard dialogues (in our sample, it locate in folder /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk ). Execute following command to open file in editor:

sudo gedit /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py

In editor, you need to find body of functions askyescancel and askyesno and add string

s = str( s )

, as showed on illustrations:

Edit tkMessageBox.py
    1. Pic. 57 Edit tkMessageBox.py

Cannot enable executable stack

This problem was detected under OS Fedora 15.

Error of the executable stack
    1. Pic. 58 Error of the executable stack

To fix this error, you need to reset flag of using executable stack for the library, which specified in error. For this, you should execute command:

sudo execstack -c <library>

All OS

This section describes problems and errors that occur regardless of your OS.

Export/import error in different versions of Python

To import/export trace-files, application use Python module pickle. Because of the numerous changes made in 3 version, export / import data into applications running on different versions of the interpreter is not available.

Unable to copy SQL statement text into clipboard

This error may be caused by security settings of Adobe Flash-player. It cannot process local files by default. More details you can read on documentation page of the project Zeroclipboard. To fix this error, you need change Flash-player settings, using setting's manager, available on website:


And add application folder in trusted list. As illustrated below, we use disk P: as report's storage:

Sample of the Flash Player settings
    1. Pic. 59 Sample of the Flash Player settings

Error on plugging cx_Oracle

This error can be caused by missing some libraries are required for connection with database (included in database client). The current version of application was tested with InstantClient, which you can download from website http://www.oracle.com. After downloading and unpacking files, add client folder in the application's option - “custom Oracle client”.

There are some missed libraries, required for connection
    1. Pic. 60 There are some missed libraries, required for connection
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