
Remove application

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In this section you will find all necessary information on how to uninstall application.

Remove open version (archive)

To delete the application, you should:

    1. Go to the folder that contains application folder.
    2. Remove application folder.
    3. When using OS *nix, you should remove lightprofiler folder from user folder, because it contains generated reports and logs.

Remove open version (deb-package)

In this section are illustrated process of removing open-version (deb-package) from OS Ubuntu. To delete the application, you should:

    1. Run utility for package managing:
Launch “Package Manager”
      1. Pic. 51 Launch “Package Manager”
    1. Find installed package LightProfiler and select it for complete removal:
Select action on package
      1. Pic. 52 Select action on package
    1. Apply changes:
Apply changes
      1. Pic. 53 Apply changes
    1. For complete removal, you should remove lightprofiler folder from user folder, because it contains generated reports and logs.

Remove precompiled version

In this section are illustrated sample of removing precompiled version of the application from OS Windows XP. To delete the application, you should:

    1. Launch control panel (“Start” -“Settings”-“Control panel”).
    2. Select item “Add or remove programs”:
Launch “Add or remove program”
      1. Pic. 54 Launch “Add or remove program”
    1. Select LightProfiler from the list, and press button “Remove”.
    2. For complete removal, you should remove application folder (by default C:\LightProfiler), because it contains generated reports and logs.
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